“You are what you eat.” This age-old adage, first voiced by culinary savant Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, carries more weight than we might realize. In a world where our diets oscillate between fast-food feasts and green smoothie cleanses, it’s time to dig deeper into this phrase. Is there an ounce of truth to it, or is it just an antiquated belief from the days of yore?
Posts tagged gut-brain
We Are What We Eat, Weirdly True…
“You are what you eat.” This age-old adage, first voiced by culinary savant Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, carries more weight than we might realize. In a world where our diets oscillate between fast-food feasts and green smoothie cleanses, it’s time to dig deeper into this phrase. Is there an ounce of truth to it, or is it just an antiquated belief from the days of yore?